Soft Power Outreach

Soft Power:  Harvard University's Dr. Joseph Nye coined the term Soft Power in his book Bound to Lead in 1990. Dr. Nye defined Soft Power as an "ability to affect others through the cooperative means of framing the agenda, persuading, and eliciting positive attraction to obtain preferred outcomes."

Soft Power Solutions, LLC (SPS) defines its Soft Power mission as developing community resilience and sustainability. We actively partner with communities and their stakeholders to address key resiliency factors by building their capacity to manage change, mitigate risks and danger to their community and develop a way ahead.  We do this by providing professional services, construction and infrastructure, hosting discussion and deliberation events, think tank activities, exercises, and planning.

Professional Services: SPS is a fully capable prime contractor.  The experience and skills obtained as a prime government contractor lend well to SPS's Soft Power outreach mission areas. We apply our experience and skills in disaster management, training, personnel management, exercises, planning, staffing, and human resources. Our customers include private industry, government, and the military. SPS's past performance includes training and development, Army Emergency Management Installation Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Course Services, construction, partner nation post-disaster recovery, hurricane response exercises, and veteran and family support services.

Host Discussion Events- Track 2 Dialog: This is the bulk of SPS's high visibility dialog and think tank efforts.  Track 2 dialog, a term coined by the U.S State Department in 1981, involves peacekeeping and conflict resolution by nongovernmental/professional organizations and individuals. This is the realm of professional and nongovernment action attempting to analyze, prevent, resolve, and manage international conflicts by non-state actors. SPS has become a key track 2 facilitator.

Our successful Track 2 record includes advancing conflict resolution dialogue with the Myanmar Peace Centre and synchronizing community, government, and non-government organizations throughout Afghanistan and the Middle East. The Pakistan Peace Award reflects this success for our role in response to catastrophic floods.  Most recently, SPS hosted track 2 diplomatic dialogs regarding South Korea.  This dialog successfully addressed provocative non-state actor dialog regarding security concerns on the Korean Peninsula. The event was attended by military, government, and industry members from the U.S. and the Republic of Korea (ROK).  (Click "About Us," then "News & Publications" on this website or follow this link:

SPS will continue to support Soft Power principles as an industry partner through its core competencies, opportunity, and values.